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Performance Reviews

It's that time of year! Most organizations and employers are gearing up for annual performance reviews. In this newsletter we are breaking down tips on how to improve your process, and how employees can prepare for the process.


"The end of the old year and beginning of the new is a common time for performance conversations to take place — and that can be stressful for everyone, studies have shown. Managers can fall into common traps, like waiting too long to bring forth feedback. They may also risk bringing bias into these key conversations, stunting employee growth.

But employers can manage the performance review process in ways that not only comfort worried workers but also encourage continued learning and excellence. See below for some recent stories and viewpoint pieces on performance reviews and how employers can ensure they keep talent on the right track." Learn more


"As this year comes to an end, you will probably be both giving and receiving those dreaded annual performance reviews. Is it an exaggeration to say that everybody hates performance reviews? I don’t think so.

In most cases the reviews are poor and ineffective, and in many cases, they don’t happen at all. After almost three decades advising senior executives, I continue to be astonished by how many senior-level managers tell me “Actually, I’ve never gotten a performance review from my boss.” Bosses surely know that performance reviews are necessary not only for the company, but for the professional development of their direct reports. Furthermore, managers usually know exactly what their direct reports need to hear to help hone their performance. However, the formal feedback process is often a mind-numbing set of dated and bureaucratic forms and templates that mostly get in the way of giving constructive feedback. And when it comes time to deliver that feedback many managers lose their nerve and avoid saying what really needs to be said." Learn more


"Performance reviews, whether they occur every six months, annually, or at the end of a project, are crucial ways for managers to assess their team members’ performance. For team members, these reviews are a valuable opportunity to receive feedback and set actionable goals for the future. Yes, these reviews are sometimes tense, even frightening—but with enough preparation and the right mindset, they can be transformed into positive experiences.

More companies are taking a fresh look at how they provide feedback and align their corporate goals with the work professionals do day-to-day. This is especially true within newer tech companies, where managers can often take a more flexible approach and younger workers expect to receive feedback a lot more often than once a year. In large part, the change is being driven by the demands of Millennials and Gen Zers. Whereas Baby Boomers often approach work with an attitude of “tell me what you need to get done,” Millennials want their work life to double as a learning experience.

With all that in mind, here are some tips for preparing effectively for a performance review." Learn more

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