SHHH It's Taboo!
A topic that has rarely been addressed in the workplace is now starting to slowly get the attention it deserves. With a lot of focus going toward parental leave policies and new safeties for pregnant workers, it's now time to start talking about Menopause.

"Women’s health needs are receiving renewed attention in the workplace, with both the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers (PUMP) Act passed late last year. The laws brought greater awareness of the particular medical needs of many child-bearing and child-bearing-aged women, like the need for a modified schedule or the need to express breast milk.
Despite coming with its own set of medical complications, menopause has not received the same attention — until recently. More employers are becoming aware of and interested in benefits that can support employees during menopause; according to a Mercer survey, the share of employers planning to offer such benefits tripled in 2023, from 4% to 15%." Learn more

"By almost any formal analysis, menopause — the natural cessation of menstruation that usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 — is a subject that very few want to discuss.
In fact, according to a 2022 global survey by market research firm Ipsos, which polled 23,000 adults across 33 countries, menopause ranked below finances, politics and religion on the list of topics respondents said they felt comfortable discussing with friends. While more women in the survey reported being comfortable talking about menopause than men, nearly 1 in 4 women said they were uncomfortable talking about the subject." Learn more