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With the current trends in the hiring market it is so important to pick the right candidate. As many of us know, that's easier said than done. Often times a recruit looks great on paper but then struggles once hired. How to combat this? Many are suggesting utilizing the new CLR program many education facilities are implementing. In this newsletter we are looking into what the CLR is and how this might be able to solve our hiring problems.


According to the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the CLR was designed as a collection of information that displays student learning that goes beyond generalized educational credentials. From academic courses to co-curricular activities and various other experiences that provide a wealth of knowledge, the CLR gives students an opportunity to prove their skills and abilities beyond a transcript. It’s the expansion of student records that supports the recognition of academic wellness, all in a secure and verified environment. It doesn’t focus solely on the courses a student is taking, rather, it dives into the outcomes of their higher education experiences.

The NASPA and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) have partnered together to work with institutions across the country to create CLRs so that students can better demonstrate their collegiate learning outcomes on a deeper level." Learn more


"Associations, in many ways, are well-suited to leveraging this method for tracking education, in part because they’ve worked closely with similar approaches such as certification and credentialing to track education hours for members.

“CLR technology can help associations attract a wider segment of the workforce by focusing on skills their members have garnered in education or work versus focusing solely on the degrees or credentials earned,” explained Rebecca Busacca, vice president of business development at the education technology firm Territorium.

And unlike traditional education, where not every class a student takes will directly relate to a job, professional development is often conducted with employment and reskilling in mind—which means there are fewer nebulous areas. CLRs are “generally well organized along a continuum of skill sets that if they build one of these stacks, they have an end goal in mind, they’re pointing toward a specific profession,” Simmons said. “They’re all the things that make that process easy. Whereas if I’m an English major, that’s a pretty random thing.” The result is that CLRs arguably make even more sense for associations than for educational institutions." Learn more


"As HR professionals have long known, just because someone appears to be a good fit from their resume doesn’t mean they’re a good fit in practice. That’s why hiring professionals have been eager for a more granular record of people’s skills and knowledge. One possible candidate — and perhaps one of the newest — is the “comprehensive learner record” (CLR).

Further, a CLR allows for things such as the skills one picks up at jobs or student activities. Someone, for instance, might have served as treasurer for an intramural soccer league and therefore understand the fundamentals of bookkeeping.

The traditional transcript doesn’t serve the labor market well, according to Mark McConahay, the CLR coordinator for the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)." Learn More

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